Why Chiropractic Care Is For Everyone with a Chiropractor in Kent WA

Because the goal of seeking chiropractic care is to create restoration of the body’s function, bring pain relief and increase mobility, anyone can benefit greatly and achieve improved health. When compared to the use of anti-inflammatory drugs prescribed to address the symptoms caused by the misalignment of the spine, seeking assistance from a Chiropractor has been proven to be a safer alternative.

Additionally, individual assessments and evaluation of a person’s current health condition can be conducted so that a comprehensive plan of care can be created for patients of all ages. Because this type of care is cumulative, focus is placed upon improving subluxations in the neck and spine with each visit in order to see improvements. Let’s examine additional benefits for chiropractic care and how it can be appreciated by everyone.

Strengthen the Immune System

A visit to the chiropractor can bring an added boost to the immune system by restoring functions of the body through the adjustment of misalignments or subluxations in the spine. The spine covers and protects the nervous system which sends signals from the brain to the body. When misalignment of the spine occurs, this signal is interrupted. Restoration of function can be achieved when subluxations are addressed and realignment of the spinal column occurs. As a result, the burden placed on the spine can be relieved, which affects the nervous system and improves the immune system.

Beneficial for Children

A Chiropractor can help children and adolescents with a number of health issues such as emotional or chemical stress which can contribute to muscular tension and can result in the misalignment of the spine. Chiropractic adjustments can address issues such as ear infections, colic or asthma, make vast improvements to sleeping habits due to increases in muscular relaxation and a reduction in pain relief.

Beneficial for Pregnant Women

It may be easy to assume that pregnant women cannot benefit from chiropractic care. However, this type of care regimen has no known contradictions through any stage of a pregnancy. A well-trained, highly qualified Chiropractor can work closely with a pregnant woman to develop a comprehensive Baby Wellness program and plan of care that can be beneficial to the mother, whether therapies include massage, spinal adjustments or nutritional counseling.

Chiropractic care is an excellent choice for everyone and offers a plethora of care options that can be individualized to provide optimal results and restore vitality to the body.

The Science of Pain from a Chiropractor in Kent WA

While it’s great to secure immediate pain relief and solace, it’s equally as important to understand the causes and symptoms. No truer is this than when it comes to pinpointing and addressing any underlying causes of your pain. And no one understands the science of pain and the route to wellness better than your local chiropractor.

Pain is simply a response to a medical condition or ailment in the body. For example: if you have degenerative spine or bone diseases, chances are you will experience some type of pain. However, pain can also emanate from injuries, slips, falls, or even banging your elbow. Our bodies are not designed to withstand excessive pain. This is why chiropractors are vital in alleviating the tension and discomfort in our bodies.

Whether dealing with scoliosis or wrenched backs, area doctors have the tools and expertise to remedy most problems. In fact, they utilize therapeutic massages and adjustments to restore optimal mobility. They also offer spinal decompression services for patients with spinal alignment problems. As always, your chiropractor can explain each care facet in detail before starting any procedure.

Chiropractors are professionals who are genuinely committed to your wellness and well-being. In fact, they work hard to help patients lead healthier and pain-free lives. However, patients must be their own advocates and learn about why they are experiencing chronic or recurring pain. In order to make the most out of your chiropractic experience, it is important to ask your chiropractor plenty of questions that pertain to pain management and relief.

For more information on the science of pain and remedies, simply make an appointment to see your local chiropractor. Area chiropractic firms are committed to helping all patients with timely and dedicated pain management solutions. They also accept a range of insurance plans and always offer flexible appointments.

Why a Chiropractor is an Athlete’s Best Friend with a Chiropractor in Kent WA

If you’re serious about sports or fitness, then you don’t need to be told about all of the ticks, bumps, knots, tightness, and sore spots that come along with the pursuit of it. Every athlete of any age knows that with their passion comes pain, and while some of that pain can be powered through and walked off, much of it cannot. What’s more, some aches and pains, knots and sprains can add up to more serious conditions arising from the misalignment of the spine and the musculoskeletal system altogether.

Any time an athlete takes a hit or develops a pain point, it can cause them to favor that side of the body which is almost guaranteed to result in a misalignment of the spine and tightness in other joints. For these reasons, it’s a good idea for any athlete or fitness aficionado to have a close relationship with a chiropractor. A chiropractic professional can help you to recognize the parts of your personal physiology are most prone to tightness and injury due to the improper balance of the spinal column.

A chiropractor can help you to retain your optimal spinal health, which will be key in the development of your strength, speed, and skill. Better yet, your chiropractor can also help you to learn a whole range of exercises and stretches that you can do on your own that will help you to maintain your optimal flexibility, range of motion and to minimize the pain that can result from all of the many injuries and accidents that athletes are prone to.

Even more importantly, having a long term relationship with a chiropractor enables you to benefit from his or her knowledge of your sports/fitness history. Armed with an ongoing knowledge of your medical history, your chiropractor can aid you in the avoidance and mitigation of certain injuries and conditions that will be likely to develop later in life.

You may have the opportunity to prevent and avoid significant amounts of pain and downtime that might otherwise catch you by surprise and set you back a great deal in your athletic career.

Palmer Chiropractic Clinic in Kent WA Offers Relief from Sports Injuries

Well-versed in sports medicine, the team at Palmer Chiropractic helps patients
recover from athletic injuries and get back in the game as soon as possible.

Kent, WA – July 20, 2017 – Dr. Brian Bussard and his staff at Palmer Chiropractic are pleased to announce
that they provide comprehensive care for sports injuries, with an emphasis on rehabilitation.

New patients undergo a thorough exam, in which they are asked specifics about their particular sport
and injury. They may be asked to perform some movements to demonstrate how injured joints and soft
tissues have been impacted. Dr. Bussard will then be able to pinpoint the problem and recommend an
appropriate therapy plan.

Common concerns that fall within the realm of sports medicine include tendon and ligament sprains,
muscle tears, overuse injuries, and stress fractures. Many patients exhibit joint problems such as knee
and shoulder injuries, and tennis or golfer’s elbow. Frequent complaints also include foot, ankle, hand
and wrist pain.

To get patients on the road to recovery, the staff at Palmer Chiropractic will likely use osteopathic
techniques in conjunction with an exercise program specifically tailored to the individual’s condition or
injury. Dr. Bussard and his team have a solid background in sports medicine, with experience in
biomechanics and soft tissue pathology. Their goal is to promote total-body wellness so athletes can
not only resume their fully-active lifestyle, but also reduce the risk of injury and illness in the future.

Massage and muscular therapies may be implemented to reduce swelling, inflammation and pain in
muscles and joints. Massage also increases circulation, delivering oxygen and nutrients to the tissues
while removing wastes. Patients who undergo massage report a reduction in muscle spasms and
improved flexibility and range of motion.

Contact Information:
Palmer Chiropractic
24837 104th Avenue SE
Kent, WA 98030

The Place of Massage in Chiropractic Care from a Chiropractor in Kent WA

Therapeutic massages play a crucial role in nearly all types of chiropractic care. From pain management techniques to adjustments, massages are designed to alleviate tension and restore mobility. They also help stimulate blood flow, while tackling pain deep within the bones and tissues. With years of experience, most  chiropractors feature a full range of massage services for their clients.

For years, many people simply thought of massages as spa-related services. While this is still true today, massages have been a chiropractic service dating back hundreds of years. In fact, deep tissue massages were perfected in Sweden by industry leading therapists and physicians. Similarly, Japanese based massages are similar to acupressure which utilizes the arms and hands to apply pressure on points across the back. This, of course, relieves pain and restores optimal flexibility as well.

Massage therapies also help improve muscle functionality and performance. In fact, they play a vital role in reducing pain within joints, tendons and ligaments as well. However, only licensed chiropractors have the skills to ensure optimal results across the board. In fact, their intricate knowledge of key pressure points is vital in alleviating pain and helping patients feel completely rejuvenated.

Your chiropractor will determine the best massage therapies based on your examination. For example: upper vertebrae adjustments may be given for patients dealing with upper back or shoulder pain. Similarly, massages may be administered for patients dealing with recurring migraines or headaches. With so many benefits associated with medicinal and therapeutic massages, you are guaranteed timely pain relief and solace across the board.

If you are dealing with daily pain, now is the right time to visit your local chiropractor. He or she will check you out for any underlying issues that may be causing discomfort and distress. The chiropractor will also determine the best route of action to take, which could mean massage therapy and lasting results for your pain management.

Palmer Chiropractic Clinic in Kent WA Offers Massage Therapy

In addition to a full selection of chiropractic services, Palmer Chiropractic offers
massage therapy to help patients relieve stress and recover from soft-tissue


Kent, WA – July 20, 2017 – Palmer Chiropractic is pleased to announce that they offer massage therapy
to help patients recover from joint and soft-tissue injuries.

A hands-on, conservative approach to wellness, massage therapy is highly effective for relieving
musculoskeletal pain. Dr. Brian Bussard uses various techniques, including Thai massage, myofascial
release, therapeutic ultrasound and taping, joint mobilization, IFC, and acupuncture/electroacupuncture.
The type Dr. Bussard chooses is based on each patient’s condition or injury. Therapy
plans are individually-tailored to target specific areas of the body to facilitate recovery.

Over time, the activities of daily life can cause muscles to move in ways they aren’t designed to. Many
people have poor posture or sleep in positions that can pull joints and soft tissues out of
alignment. Because muscles and bones work together, problems with one system will ultimately lead to
issues with the other. At Palmer Chiropractic, Dr. Bussard can identify any musculoskeletal abnormalities
a patient is experiencing and correct them with regular massage sessions. In many cases, muscle
manipulations are provided in conjunction with chiropractic adjustments and related therapies.

Massage therapy can contribute to improved overall health, as it increases circulation, delivering oxygen
and critical nutrients to muscles while removing wastes. It also reduces swelling. While most people
associate massage with relaxation, this therapeutic approach alleviates pain, muscle spasms and
tension, leading to improved flexibility and range of motion. Additionally, massage can promote a sense
of enhanced well-being. The many benefits of therapy may help patients recover faster than they would
without chiropractic care.

Contact Information:
Palmer Chiropractic
24837 104th Avenue SE
Kent, WA 98030