The Place of Massage in Chiropractic Care from a Chiropractor in Kent WA

Therapeutic massages play a crucial role in nearly all types of chiropractic care. From pain management techniques to adjustments, massages are designed to alleviate tension and restore mobility. They also help stimulate blood flow, while tackling pain deep within the bones and tissues. With years of experience, most  chiropractors feature a full range of massage services for their clients.

For years, many people simply thought of massages as spa-related services. While this is still true today, massages have been a chiropractic service dating back hundreds of years. In fact, deep tissue massages were perfected in Sweden by industry leading therapists and physicians. Similarly, Japanese based massages are similar to acupressure which utilizes the arms and hands to apply pressure on points across the back. This, of course, relieves pain and restores optimal flexibility as well.

Massage therapies also help improve muscle functionality and performance. In fact, they play a vital role in reducing pain within joints, tendons and ligaments as well. However, only licensed chiropractors have the skills to ensure optimal results across the board. In fact, their intricate knowledge of key pressure points is vital in alleviating pain and helping patients feel completely rejuvenated.

Your chiropractor will determine the best massage therapies based on your examination. For example: upper vertebrae adjustments may be given for patients dealing with upper back or shoulder pain. Similarly, massages may be administered for patients dealing with recurring migraines or headaches. With so many benefits associated with medicinal and therapeutic massages, you are guaranteed timely pain relief and solace across the board.

If you are dealing with daily pain, now is the right time to visit your local chiropractor. He or she will check you out for any underlying issues that may be causing discomfort and distress. The chiropractor will also determine the best route of action to take, which could mean massage therapy and lasting results for your pain management.

Palmer Chiropractic Clinic in Kent WA Offers Massage Therapy

In addition to a full selection of chiropractic services, Palmer Chiropractic offers
massage therapy to help patients relieve stress and recover from soft-tissue


Kent, WA – July 20, 2017 – Palmer Chiropractic is pleased to announce that they offer massage therapy
to help patients recover from joint and soft-tissue injuries.

A hands-on, conservative approach to wellness, massage therapy is highly effective for relieving
musculoskeletal pain. Dr. Brian Bussard uses various techniques, including Thai massage, myofascial
release, therapeutic ultrasound and taping, joint mobilization, IFC, and acupuncture/electroacupuncture.
The type Dr. Bussard chooses is based on each patient’s condition or injury. Therapy
plans are individually-tailored to target specific areas of the body to facilitate recovery.

Over time, the activities of daily life can cause muscles to move in ways they aren’t designed to. Many
people have poor posture or sleep in positions that can pull joints and soft tissues out of
alignment. Because muscles and bones work together, problems with one system will ultimately lead to
issues with the other. At Palmer Chiropractic, Dr. Bussard can identify any musculoskeletal abnormalities
a patient is experiencing and correct them with regular massage sessions. In many cases, muscle
manipulations are provided in conjunction with chiropractic adjustments and related therapies.

Massage therapy can contribute to improved overall health, as it increases circulation, delivering oxygen
and critical nutrients to muscles while removing wastes. It also reduces swelling. While most people
associate massage with relaxation, this therapeutic approach alleviates pain, muscle spasms and
tension, leading to improved flexibility and range of motion. Additionally, massage can promote a sense
of enhanced well-being. The many benefits of therapy may help patients recover faster than they would
without chiropractic care.

Contact Information:
Palmer Chiropractic
24837 104th Avenue SE
Kent, WA 98030

Alleviating Back Pain with Massage Therapy with Kent WA Chiropractor

The majority of Americans experience back pain at some point in life.  A Kent chiropractor employs massage therapy to alleviate several conditions, including back pain.
Therapy is tailored to each patient’s unique needs.  Massage and muscular therapies target affected areas to provide relief from musculoskeletal problems.  The benefits of massage are many:  reducing swelling, relaxing muscles, reducing muscle pain and spasms, and improving circulation and range of motion.
Massage dates back to ancient times.  Since then, it’s become highly-specialized and is practiced worldwide.  The type of technique used depends on the patient’s condition or injury.
Evidence supports the benefits of massage.  While most of it is anecdotal, a 2007 study published in Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine reviewed prior research, concluding that massage is most effective in alleviating non-specific lower back pain.  A 2010 University of California, Los Angeles study revealed that massage causes patients to produce lower levels of hormones associated with stress and inflammation.
Massage is especially beneficial for people with chronic pain, which is defined as pain that is constant or recurrent, lasting three months or more.  Many back pain sufferers experience this type of ongoing discomfort.

Palmer Chiropractic Clinic In Kent WA, Offers Massage Therapy Solutions For Pain

Palmer Chiropractic Clinic provides natural techniques such as massage for pain relief. The chiropractic philosophy encourages a drug and surgery-free approach to healing.

PRESS RELEASE: Kent WA, 20-APRIL-2016 – Palmer Chiropractic Clinic and Dr. Brian Bussard, D. C., are pleased to announce that they offer safe solutions to patients suffering from pain and related symptoms. Pain can be due to structural problems, nerve problems or issues with soft tissue. The natural methods offered by chiropractors are non-invasive and do not require drugs or painkillers in order to be successful. The Kent chiropractic practitioners identify the areas of the body which are hurting and defines the course of therapy which will offer solutions.

Massage therapy is suitable as a solution for pain, but it also is effective for relieving stress and promoting restful sleep. The act of massage enhances circulation, bringing nutrients and oxygen to locations throughout the body. Massage can also improve mobility.

There are a number of different types of massage therapy solutions. The professionals will identify the best course of techniques for use in a particular patient. Deep tissue massage or other techniques are selected to promote pain relief and healing of the body. The use of massage is one of many natural techniques which are used by chiropractic practitioners to relieve pain and to encourage the body’s ability to heal itself.

The natural therapy approach relieves musculoskeletal pain for many patients. The specific condition or injury causing the pain is identified and massage techniques tailored to address the pain. Massage can increase blood circulation, reduce swelling, relax muscles, relieve spasm as well as to assist in recovery and range of motion.

Learn more about massage therapy for pain relief by visiting the web pages at today. Members of the press and those who have questions concerning the contents of this press release are invited to contact Dr. Brian Bussard, DC at the location provided below.

Contact Person Name: Dr. Brian Bussard, D. C.

Company Name: Palmer Chiropractic

Address: 24837 104th Avenue SE #100, Kent, WA 98030

Contact Telephone Number: (253) 854-7700

Contact Fax Number: (253) 854-2986



How Kent WA Chiropractic Office Offers Massage Therapy Solutions

Chiropractors address many patient problems by resolving subluxations through the use off manual adjustment strategies. This, however, is not the only service that they supply. When you visit a Kent chiropractic office, you’ll also have access to massage therapy. There are many benefits that you can gain from massage.

Most people are currently carrying a lot of physical stress throughout their muscle groups. This is largely due to the way in which they are using their bodies throughout their workdays. Craning over computers or performing lots of repetitive motion activities can lead to tense, sore muscles and diminished mobility. People tend to move a lot less when dealing with the discomfort of muscle strain.

Physical stress and tension can also lead to emotional stress and tension. If your body doesn’t feel well, you won’t feel well either. With the relief that these services provide, you can look forward to an elevated mood and overall mood balance.

Massage can actually elevate your energy and increase your overall range of motion. Different muscle systems can perform more effectively when they are not subjected to undue stress. Using your body properly is a great way to prevent physical injury. You will be far less likely to place an excess amount of pressure on any one muscle group or body part.

In addition to improving how you feel, these services can also have a significant impact on how your body performs. Services like these can stimulate your lymphatic system and expedite the removal of toxins. This is also a great way to improve immune system performance and your blood circulation.

Surprisingly, massage is even an effective part of a comprehensive plan to alleviate spinal subluxations. It offers a very gentle and relaxing way to slowly finesse displaced vertebrae into their correct positions. Thus, it can be used wholly for relaxation and stress-relief or as part of a multi-pronged effort to improve alignment and overall health.

Chiropractic care relieves back, groin and knee pain safely and quickly. Visit this website for more info about a reliable Kent chiropractic doctor at now.

Discover The Benefits Of Massage With A Kent WA Chiropractor

Many people think that chiropractors only offer manual adjustments for correcting spinal subluxations and improving alignment. In reality, however, there are a number of ways in which these professionals can alleviate muscle tension and provide relief. For instance, you can visit a Kent chiropractic center for massage therapy.

Massage can help improve your blood circulation for better nutrient and oxygen delivery all throughout your body. This makes it ideal for people who are suffering from chronic health issues. Better blood flow will expedite natural healing processes by bolstering the immune system.

People who are tired and have low energy can also gain benefits from these services. Improved blood circulation will quickly improve how you feel. These efforts stimulate the lymph nodes and promote better functioning overall. You will feel better and have the physical ability to get more done.

Efforts like these can also alleviate muscle tension and soreness, particularly in people who suffer from alignment issues. Certain muscle groups are often called to work a lot harder when the spine is not aligned properly. Addressing areas of tension can make movement easier and it can also facilitate faster healing.

Spinal subluxations can also be corrected through massage as can many other issues that impact the spine and the surrounding muscle groups. Massage is an alternative way to finesse displaced vertebra back to their intended positions. For those who spend lots of time working desk jobs or performing repetitive motions, efforts like these can stave off injury and reduce any muscle soreness that has developed.

There are a number of options in therapy that trusted chiropractors provide. There are also many forms of chiropractic equipment that can be included in your overall plan of care. Working with these professionals is a great way to gain relief from common, physical ailments while improving your circulation, balance, spinal alignment and general health.

Chiropractic care relieves spine, buttock and thigh pain safely and quickly. Visit this website for more info about a reliable Kent chiropractic doctor at now.

Discover Massage Therapy With A Kent WA Chiropractor

Although many chiropractors use manual adjustment strategies to improve spinal alignment, there are many other therapies that these professionals can perform. When you visit a Kent chiropractic office, you can receive massage therapy to alleviate discomfort and eliminate muscle stress. In fact, chiropractic massage is a common addition to individualized and integrated plans of care.

When people have subluxated vertebrae, they often develop a considerable amount of stress and tension in the muscles that surround these injuries. This tension is largely responsible for the pain that people feel when dealing with alignment issues. It can also create problems with mobility, including joint dysfunction.

Massage is performed to loosen up muscles that have been overworked. This increases mobility and provides relief. It also makes it possible for other efforts to restore optimal spinal alignment to work with maximum efficiency, whether these efforts include manual adjustments or inversion table therapies.

Some people are not comfortable with manual adjustment therapies. They have a hard time relaxing for this care. The best chiropractors are able to provide people with a vast number of options for resolving these issues. Massage is a great way to finesse displaced vertebrae back into their proper positions. It also promotes relaxation which plays a major role in the natural pain management plan.

There are other forms of assistance that these professionals are likely to supply in order to enhance the efficacy of massage services. For instance, they might make recommendations for changing negative life habits in order to avoid build-ups of tension and stress in the future. They often recommend strength building exercises for the abdominal muscles as well. This muscle group helps support and protect the spine.

Whether you have been dealing with neck, back or shoulder pain or have been struggling with tension headaches, this could be the best way to gain safe and natural relief. Each session will make your body feel more relaxed while increasing your mobility. It will also help you gain marked improvements in your overall alignment and health.

Chiropractic care alleviates neck and back pain naturally and safely. Visit this website for more information about an experienced Kent chiropractic doctor at now.